Hailing from the sunny climes of California Waterborne Skateboards emerged with the goal of making surf skating accessible to everyone. The now renowned surf front surf adapter is able to be retrofitted to any skateboard deck and truck configuration. This transforms your ride into a surf skateboard. And all for a fraction of the cost.

Following the success of the Waterborne Skateboard surf adapter new products have since been developed. The rear surf rail adapter being the obvious one. But there’s a whole host of other good stuff available too. Depending on your budget, your circumstances, mood and style modification of your setup is broad and varied. Spend as little or as much as you see fit to get that ultimate surf skateboarding setup.

Check out the original Waterborne Skateboards Kickstarter video below.

We can supply all Waterborne Skateboards products direct here in the UK.

For Waterborne UK Skateboards B2B / trade dealer applications press here.